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Ty Wilkins

United States


Ty Wilkins

Professional Quality Voiceover anywhere in the World! Ty Wilkins is a Full-time Voice Actor, working in everything from Animation and Game to Dubbings, Commercials, and more. His natural Tone and Accent are Medium to Mid-High and Neutral American, but he isn't afraid to stretch his range. His vocal range is adaptable and versatile, including kids and teens to Adults and Seniors. He has a love for Creature Work, from the cute and cuddly to the nastiest of angry beasts! Asking for something new and fresh? Ty will work with you to deliver it. He loves a trying new things and doesn't mind sounding like a doofus once in a while!

United States
Zombie / Undead / Ghoul / Vampyr, Troll / Orc / Goblin, Demon, Alien, Beast, Wizard, Human, Animal / Small creature / Insect, Ghost / Whisper, Dragon, Robot
Path to Nowhere - AISNO Games
Chronicles of Drungar - Forteller Games
Embrace the Voice - Abyssal Octopus Productions
Human Apocalypse - Euphoric Brothers