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JD Kelly

United Kingdom


JD Kelly

JD Kelly has worked with AAA Games Studios and Indie Developers on titles like: Diablo Immortal, Steel Division Normandy 44, Spectacular Sparky, DragonHeir Silent Gods & More. He has also worked with corporate clients like: The RSPCA, Unicorn Training, Milka Chocolate, Smooth FM, & Kerrang Fm. JD also speaks publicly at Panels, and Talks on Voice Acting at London Comic Con, EGX, & Games Industry Live, JD Kelly has trained with Industry professionals such as: Jennifer Hale, Andrea Toyias, JB Blanc, Sarah Cravens, Jeremy Hall, Anna Graves, Sara Secora, & Julia Bianco Schoeffling.

United Kingdom
Zombie / Undead / Ghoul / Vampyr, Troll / Orc / Goblin, Wizard, Human, Animal / Small creature / Insect, Ghost / Whisper, Dragon, Robot, Skeleton
Diablo Immortal - Blizzard
DragonHeir Silent Gods - SGRA Studio
Steel Division Normandy 44 - Eugen Systems
Spectacular Sparky - Freakzone Games
No Rest For The Wicked - GUGames